Pupils' posters send powerful message to bullies

May 10, 2022

Schoolchildren in Northampton recently put their art and designs skills to effective use to create anti-bullying messages.

The winners of the anti-bullying poster competition at Lumbertubs Primary School

The pupils at Lumbertubs Primary School were given the chance to design their own posters to show the importance of standing up against bullying. The event was part of an Anti-Bullying Day initiative organised by the school, to help encourage the children to talk about bullying and ways to discourage it. The school says it takes a proactive approach to the subject, using the phrases ‘stop’, ‘it’s OK to speak up’ and ‘be kind’ when encouraging conversation around the topic. Headteacher Ceri Cook said creating the posters was a great way to engage the children in wider conversation about kindness. “All of our children understand the importance of speaking up about bullying, it’s something we take very seriously and we’re very proud of the students’ attitude around kindness, supporting each other and not being afraid to speak up.” As part of the special day, Mrs Cook and deputy headteacher Miss Harbottle chose a selection of their favourite posters to be displayed around the school. Mrs Cook added: “It was a really great day, with lots of learning and positive conversation. We loved seeing the children’s posters and choosing the winning entries to be used on the walls in school. Well done to everyone who took part.” The powerful posters spell out ways for children to understand the type of behaviour that is unkind and tips on seeking help, such as reporting the behaviour to an adult. The winning entries were designed by Elijah, 11, David, 10, Anastasia, nine, Abbi, seven, and six-year-old Alexandra. Runners up were Gabbi, nine, Maxim, eight, Henry, eight, and six-year-old Adil.

Gabbi said: “I enjoyed creating the poster because you could be creative and give a positive message to everybody to not bully at the same time.”

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