
Campfire Education Trust is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare and safety of all our pupils. We expect everyone associated with CET, all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. 

We ensure that there are consistent, effective safeguarding policies, procedures and practices in place to support pupils, families and staff in all our schools. 

All our schools follow the guidance in Keeping Children Safe in Education, Working Together to Safeguard Children and the Governance Handbook. All schools adopt the CET model safeguarding policy which is then personalised for their setting. All staff and volunteers will adhere to the safeguarding policy, whistleblowing policy and staff code of conduct.

Our School Improvement Director (SID) for Safeguarding and Attendance is the Trust Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). The SID supports our schools to make sure their processes and procedures are robust and fit for purpose. Each school in our Trust has a designated safeguarding lead and a safeguarding governor. We are committed to ensuring that our safeguarding leaders and all staff and volunteers receive the appropriate training to prepare them for their roles.

Our schools work closely with families for the benefit of the pupils. Staff will make referrals and seek advice and guidance from external agencies such as social care if it is deemed necessary. There may be exceptional circumstances when the school will discuss concerns with social care and/or the police without parental knowledge. Our leaders will always aim to maintain a positive relationship with all parents and carers. 

Reporting Concerns

If you have a concern about a pupil or a member of staff in one of our schools, please use the contact details below for the designated safeguarding leader at the appropriate school, or check the school's website.

Designated Safeguarding Leads:

  • Campfire Education Trust – Jo Moore - 07935 704351
  • Trustee Safeguarding Lead – Caroline Conquest -
  • Bourton Meadow Academy – Lucy Berry or Helen Byrom - 01280 823374
  • George Grenville Academy – Lucy Berry - 01280 813273
  • Lace Hill Academy – Emily Biltcliffe or Sarah Jones - 01280 823747
  • Lumbertubs Primary School - Helena Georgiou - 01604 408147
  • Moorland Primary School – Angela Garner - 01908 678888
  • Spring Lane Primary School – Lindsay Harper or Sarah Jones - 01604 639114

If you do not wish to speak with a designated safeguarding lead, or if your concern is about a senior leader at one of our schools you can contact Jo Moore, the CET Designated Safeguarding Leader, email – or use the contact form below.

If you have an urgent concern about a child you can contact the Police on 101, or 999 in an emergency.

Safeguarding Form

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